
There are presently no open calls for submissions.

What does it mean to be unbound? In this 20th anniversary journal issue, the past will meet the present as eleven40seven looks for works that fit into the theme of Unbound. We welcome pieces that break free of the tethers of normality, unravel the past, and explore limitless possibilities for storytelling. Create innovative work that explores and engages in the evolution of creativity. Submit art that delves into the expressive, and poetry that unearths what has been buried. Write the stories that you have always dreamed of telling, and lively drama pieces that we’ll remember long after reading them. This eleven40seven issue is a space for you to express yourself in a celebration of the powerfulness of the written word and the painted canvas, the immeasurable influence of the arts and creative pursuits.

Alongside a print edition, eleven40seven is also accepting submissions for our web edition. Specifically, we are looking for works of art that wouldn’t translate well in print. These include unique video performances, sound recordings, interactive works, short films, webcomics, animations, blog posts, text-based video games, and video shorts. 

If you would like to know more about eleven40seven, you can visit our website: https://1147.tcu.edu.

Defy the mundane and submit your work by Monday, February 24th.

You are unlimited. 

eleven40seven is a student-led magazine that publishes TCU student poems, short stories, photography, drama, art, and new media. The due date is February 24th. If your piece is chosen, you will be featured in the newest edition of eleven40seven, receive an invitation to the release party, and get a chance to win the Helen Hamilton Award for Excellence in Creative Expression. For more information check out our Instagram and feel free to send us questions. @eleven40seven_tcu

We have a blind submission policy. Please remove your name and contact information from the files you submit (don't forget title pages, headers, and/or footers, etc.).

Only currently enrolled TCU undergraduates may submit their work to the semester journal.  Current staff members are not eligible to submit their work for publication in the issue they help to produce.

In the "Cover Letter / Biography" box, please include your name, major, year in school, and hometown.

All pieces must have a title.  "Untitled" is not a title.

All submissions must be the student’s original, unpublished work. When you submit your work for consideration, you grant eleven40seven one-time publications rights for both paper and online formats. You also grant eleven40seven staff the right to make minor editorial changes as necessary.
